Thursday, January 1, 2009

My First Haircut

As you can see, Sanders needed a haircut. Carmen really wanted to wait until he was at least a year old, but that just wasn't gonna happen....

As with most things, Sanders was game...

So Aunt Candice stepped up to the challenge.

While Mom and Dad tried to keep him entertained.

"What is she doing back there??"

Oh my.... no more bangs.

Cute as ever!

Thanks Aunt Candice!!


Elizabeth said...

SO glad you updated!!! I love ALL the new pics! Haircut, wagon, Christmas, etc.!! SO CUTE!! :)

Mattox Twins said...

Sanders, you were a wonderful 10 month old client, well alomst 10 months. I love you sweet stuff. Love, Aunt Candice

Unknown said...

I had to get a Sander's fix!! He is so adorably grown up!! I can't believe what a big boy he is!