Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Forever and a day

So it's been 6 weeks since we've had a post. There isn't an excuse, I know... Does it count that we've been busy? Probably not. Our little man is just growing and growing. At a few ounces over 23 pounds he's getting to be down right full. He's really in to eating baby food -- sweet peas and applesauce are high on the "yum" list, while the poor sweet potato falls squarely at the bottom. I have a feeling that it won't be long until he's sitting up by himself. He's certainly perfected the rolling over thing. The problem is that he can't roll BACK over. So he ends up fussing. Or maybe that's just his trick to get us to pay more attention to him. It works, of course.

Sweet Potatoes are better on the lips than in the mouth.

These PJs are supposed to be long leg, but they sort of work more like coolots..

No, that's not ring around the collar --- it's slobber. We keep thinking a tooth is going to pop out. But it hasn't happened yet...

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