Monday, March 10, 2008

Home Sweet Home

We got home on Sunday afternoon. Everyone kept talking about "snow", but we're not sure we believe y'all...

Here's my new room. "The Crib."

He just keeps getting cuter!


Patsy Mattox said...

No grandmother could be more proud than I am of you Sanders. You are a very beautiful little boy and I love you very much. Can't wait to spoil you.

marie said...

we love you so much sweet little sanders! you are just perfect!!!!
love- uncle josh, aunt marie, hudson and blake

Elizabeth said...

Yay--finally a comment section! :) Welcome to the world Sanders! You are SO precious and you have a WONDERFUL Mommy and Daddy! You will do great things in this world :)

Love, The Hadleys- Elizabeth, Bryan, Hudson and Bennett