Thursday, July 31, 2008

New Tricks

Sanders has learned a new trick -- rolling over.

Our Little Angels


"Off The Charts"

Sanders had his second round of shots today. You'll notice the cool Tasmanian Devil band aids on his thighs. Speaking of thighs, because of those chunky things, you probably won't be surprised to hear that he weighed in at 21 lbs and is 27 1/2" inches long. The doc said he's "off the charts" on both accounts.


We spent the weekend at Camp where Sanders had his first Mule ride -- of the gasoline variety, that is...Sanders took his turn helping drive.

So darn cute.

Monday, July 7, 2008

Chick Magnet

Thanks for the great outfit, Evelyn.

The Ride...

Sanders is enjoying his new, larger car seat. But, he did stress that we needed to read the entire warning card before setting it up in the car!

Ready for the Bumbo!

"How long do I have to sit in this thing?"

"Well, maybe it's not all that bad..."

Pool Time

Sanders went swimming for the first time on July 4th. Although the water was a little cold, he warmed up to it.

Floating around is one way to do it....

But our little Pisces baby wanted to put a little kick in it!

He's a great floater with pretty good form.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Happy 4th!

Sanders and his schoolmates had a very patriotic parade around the Square for the 4th of July. Despite the heat, I think they enjoyed the outing.

Sanders, unlike his little friend, is not asleep. But I sure think he's dreaming about it!

Ms Zandra and few of the gang --- including buddy Cooper on the upper deck.

Ms Jan and Ms Mervet are his other two teachers.